Our Services

From concept to execution, our team specialises in creating a holistic video production experience to meet your every need.


A good script may turn into a good film, but a bad script, most certainly ends up being a lousy one. Armed with our experience in sitcoms, documentary, travelogues, corporate videos and more, we’ll help you craft your story with a punch.


7am call time!
Shoots are the core of our business and we endeavour to provide high production value, utilising the best talents in the industry at competitive rates. From cameramen, to gaffers, to actors, we’re a one-stop shop for production management services.

Talent Management

What is a film without good actors, actresses, supporting talents and extras. All our cast are screened and auditioned on a tape to ensure they’re able to pull off the roles they play.

Story Boarding

When the scripts are set in stone (it actually never is), it’s then ready for some visualisation and the best way is through storyboards. Here’s where we figure the best camera angles to tell the story and nit pick till we’re happy.


They say a film is written three times. Once during scripting, another during the shoot and finally during post production. Here is where we splice and dice and turn footage inside out to result in a final product weaving magic into visual storytelling. We are a ultra high definition ready facility able to work with 4K footage and upwards.

Voice Over

Something we don’t skimp on, good sound recording. Starburst partners with professional voice recording studios that utilise sound proofing and top of the line recording hardware to produce that sweet voice you hear in our videos.